Top Baby Names in the USA

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When it comes to baby names, everybody has an opinion. Most people associate a specific name with those they have met and assign positive or negative characteristics to it. However, when you’re about to become a parent, it’s your choice how you want to call your baby.

We know it isn’t easy to choose a baby name or to have everybody on board with your choice. If you are still looking for inspiration, here is the top 10 list with the most popular baby names of 2017.

Check out the 10 most popular baby names for girls and boys in the USA.

Most popular baby names in the USA

According to the Social Security Administration the most popular baby names for girls were; Emma, Olivia, Ava, Isabella and Sophia. For boys, Liam, Noah, William, James and Logan were the top picks.

Before you choose an unusual name that won’t make any lists, make sure you think it out. It might seem cute at first but names that are difficult to pronounce, hard to write and have exotic meanings might lend themselves to certain challenges in school. Some children might make fun of unusual names, or teachers can have a hard time recalling how to spell names that are too original.

Here is a complete list of the 10 most popular baby names of 2017:

Girl Names

  1. Emma
  2. Olivia
  3. Ava
  4. Isabella
  5. Sophia
  6. Mia
  7. Charlotte
  8. Amelia
  9. Evelyn
  10. Abigail

Boy names

  1. Liam
  2. Noah
  3. William
  4. James
  5. Logan
  6. Benjamin
  7. Mason
  8. Elijah
  9. Oliver
  10. Jacob
Most popular baby names for girls and boys

What’s your favorite name? Would you rather give your baby a popular name or one that’s totally unique?

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