Enjoying a break with my family

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As I’ve mentioned over and over this year (mainly to avoid forgetting it), this year I am focusing on bringing more joy into my life. That means enjoying my family even more, because when I am with those I love, it’s when I feel the happiest. The best part is that we’ll be spending the next few days on a Disney Cruise, so you can imagine how much joy I am really feeling right now.

Instead of packing, I’m writing this post so you know I didn’t abandon you or my blog. I just need to recharge and focus on my loved ones for a few days, because all the wonderful opportunities I have had so far have meant that I have spent time away from home. The cruise will be the perfect excuse to disconnect and simply enjoy my kids, my husband and my parents. So in case you’re wondering, that means you won’t see me posting for the next few days or updating my social media as much.

Hopefully, you will be patient and we can reconnect once I get back. Recharging every once in a while is extremely necessary to be able to keep up with my crazy (and blessed) life, so I promise to share the best tips when traveling on a Disney Cruise. I’ll be back full of energy. Soon. Very soon.

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